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Keep out in a sentence

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Sentence count:113+7Posted:2017-02-04Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: excludeshutshut outSimilar words: keep out ofkeep onkeep offkeepkeep tokeep upkeep downkeep awayMeaning: v. prevent from entering; shut out. 
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61) The cold water cistern should be fitted with a lid to keep out light and insects but should not be airtight.
62) Signs on gates, often painted in big red letters, warn visitors to keep out.
63) They stamped their feet and flapped their arms around their bodies to try to keep out the extreme chill.
64) Perhaps nets were hung over windows and doorways in the temples to keep out birds, and possibly dragon-flies and locusts.
64) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
65) Carey set to work clearing the jungle and erecting a little bamboo hut with fences to keep out tigers!
66) Put the gauze in position and place the cover over to keep out light.
67) There is even a bird-enticing mere built especially for them, with islands, and high banks to keep out unwanted humans.
68) At the same time use your supporting troops to tie up the enemy units you want to keep out of the way.
69) In the age of anxiety gay men go to the gym five nights a week, just to keep out of trouble.
70) The overflow connection should have a filter to keep out insects and an internal dip tube to prevent icy draughts.
71) Ice-blue blinds were lowered to keep out the noonday sun.
72) She skirted a hen house[], not in its first youth but stalwart enough to keep out foxes.
73) No party has overall control, but the Labour and Conservative groups have had an agreement to keep out the Liberal Democrats.
74) There are also some wooden huts and everything is fenced in to keep out the wolves and curious locals.
75) As Errol remarked: I try to keep out of trouble the best I can.
76) There was a hush-hush meeting with Eliot and I was to keep out of the way.
77) The requirement for authorisation represents a barrier which can keep out foreign firms.
78) Here is his chance to ensure they keep out of mischief.
79) Tell them keep out of mischief.
80) You keep out of debt, I hope?
81) This will learn you to keep out of mischief.
82) Keep out of reach of children.
83) It is wiser to keep out of the limelight.
84) We have screened our porch to keep out mosquitoes.
85) Peaceable people keep out of quarrels.
86) Hadrian's Wall is built across Britannia to keep out the barbarians .
87) Satisfaction Guaranteed. Safety sealed with outer shrinkwrap and inner freshness seal. Do not use if either seal is broken or missing. Keep out of reach of children.
88) China's ambitious engineering extends back at least to the start in the 5th century of the Great Wall, meant to keep out marauding northern nomads.
89) In a place like this I'm sure to upset something, tread on people's toes, or do something dreadful, so I keep out of mischief and let Meg sail about.
90) Cover loosely with the coffee filter to keep out dust.
More similar words: keep out ofkeep onkeep offkeepkeep tokeep upkeep downkeep awaykeep backkeep fromkeep in mindkeep up withkeep in touchhousekeepingkeep an eye onkeep pace withkeep company withpouroutpourpop outspouseespouseflip outhelp outdrop outcompoundstamp outexpoundkeelkeen
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